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Gold cast bar
These 99.99% bullion cast bars are offered in a convenient choice of weights and are stamped with The Perth Mint's London Bullion Market Association registered mark, a symbol of international tradability.
Please note
Range of sizes
The bullion cast bar is one of many sizes available in gold and silver from The Perth Mint.
All bullion bars feature LBMA-accredited swan logo stamp
Quality guaranteed
- 99.99% pure silver
- 99.99% pure gold
- 99.95% pure platinum
Click & Collect
FREE service for all collector coins, bullion, jewellery and gift orders up to AUD 70,000.
Safe shopping
Safe and secure payment using 256-bit SSL encryption
The Perth Mint does not sell, loan or share your personal information
A separate account is required if buying bullion in-store. View requirements for in-person trading.
New customer
Bullion customers: please read the Account and ID requirements prior to signing up for an account.
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